Complete profile

Theisseiler Straße 3
92660 Neustadt an der Waldnaab

49.728184, 12.16744

In Neustadt existed from the 14th century until 1684 a Jewish community. Among its facilities (still preserved is the building of the yeshiva in the house Freyung 23 and the building of the mikvah Freyung 25) also belonged to a cemetery, which is mentioned in a document in 1621. It was located behind the southern row of houses on Freyung. Today there are gardens here. There is still a gravestone of the cemetery from 1648 in the museum of the municipality.The cemetery was located on the southeast side of the Freyung (on the street "Judengraben") in the area of the gardens, starting behind the current Hotel Grader (Freyung 39), extremely narrow to the inn Krone.

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