Jewish cemetery (Zell/Main - deserted cemetery)

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A cemetery is said to have existed in Zell from 1800 to 1860. However, neither the date nor the existence are considered certain, since they are based exclusively on stories told by locals. The area on a western slope to the left of the road from Unterzell to Margetshöchheim serves today as a clover field, no traces of the (alleged) cemetery have survived.

Jewish Cemetery (Wunsiedel Concentration Camp Cemetery and Memorial)

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There are 30 Jewish concentration camp victims, victims of a "death march" during the evacuation of the concentration camps in the last weeks of the war, buried in row and individual graves in the municipal cemetery on Egerstraße. However, the cemetery also contains the grave of former "Führer" deputy and leading Nazi Rudolf Hess, which is why the site has become a neo-Nazi cult site since 1987, especially on the anniversary of his death in August.

Jewish cemetery (Wörth an der Donau concentration camp gravesite)

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A concentration camp gravesite is located in the municipal cemetery of Wörth (Kapellenweg, 93086 Wörth an der Donau). On a death march, eighteen prisoners of the Buchenwald concentration camp were shot in Wörth by SS guards on April 24/25, 1945. The collective grave in the Wörth cemetery, where the murdered were buried, was dissolved in 1957 in the course of a reburial to Flossenbürg. The grave of Josef Gurski, concentration camp prisoner in Flossenbürg and died of exhaustion on May 13, 1945, remained.

Jewish cemetery (Utting - concentration camp cemetery and memorial)

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The concentration camp cemetery is located in the forest to the right of the road between Utting and Holzhausen; the way is partly signposted. A footpath to the cemetery begins at the end of Schönbachstraße.

The cemetery was established in connection with victims from camps V and X of the Landsberg/Kaufering subcamp complex. The cemetery was established immediately after the end of the war by survivors of the camps, and in 1949/50 with the help of the Bavarian State Compensation Office and the District Office was replanted and a memorial erected.

Jewish cemetery (Töging (district of Dietfurt) - former cemetery)

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In Töging (district of Dietfurt, Lkr. Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz existed probably since the 12th century until the end of the 17th century a Jewish community. It had a synagogue, which is still used as a residential building, and a cemetery. It was located on a hill at the end of the village of Toeging; the area that is built over today bears the name "Judenhügel". Gravestones could not be found.

Jewish Cemetery (Thierstein Concentration Camp Cemetery and Memorial)

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69 concentration camp victims found their final resting place in a mass grave in the municipal cemetery. They were victims of a death march from Buchenwald concentration camp to Flossenbürg concentration camp. The design of the memorial was probably done by the Jewish Committee Wunsiedel.

Jewish Cemetery (Surtal - concentration camp cemetery and memorial)

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The concentration camp cemetery Surtal (municipality Surberg. County Traunstein) is located on the left side of the road from Traunstein to Freilassing, about 4 km from Traunstein; the way is partly signposted. A wall surrounds the circular cemetery area on a small hill. In the center of the park-like grounds is a memorial stone with a Star of David and concentration camp angle. The inscription reads: "Immortal victims / You sank away."

A large cross stands above the memorial; wooden crosses are also placed along the wall, although it is proven that Jews were also buried here.