The concentration camp cemetery is located on the B 299 in the direction of Mühldorf about 200 m behind the end of the village. A hedge surrounds the park-like area with deciduous trees and ornamental shrubs. On the left gatepost is the inscription: "Last resting place of 392 victims of National Socialism + April 1945", on the right gatepost: "Do not pass by wanderer - that love erases / what hate has done". A path paved with flagstones continues straight ahead to a cross and, turning right in the middle, to a Jewish memorial amidst ornamental shrubs with the following inscription: "The Lord's word was the lamp of her foot (Psalm 119)". On the grassy areas and the perimeter are symbolic gravestones with Jewish and Christian signs.In Neumarkt-St. Veit a Jewish community had existed until 1338. It had been completely exterminated as a result of the "Judenmorde zu Deggendorf und Straubing" probably in the same year.

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