Englbergweg 7
84036 Landshut
The Jewish community in Landshut buried their deceased in the cemetery in Regensburg in the 13th and 14th centuries. Because of the great distance of about 60km, but probably also as an expression of a self-confident establishment, the Jewish families established their own cemetery outside the Landshut city walls in 1380. The plot on the Hofberg, near the pilgrimage church "Maria Bründl", belonged to the direct property of the Lower Bavarian dukes. An old road passing by, mentioned in sources, is today the Englbergweg. Nevertheless, the exact location of the cemetery can no longer be determined. After the forcible expulsion of all Jews from Landshut, their cemetery was dissolved, and most of the gravestones were built into the church tower when the synagogue was rebuilt into the Church of the Holy Trinity. Only two stones have survived the times and are now in the LANDSHUTmuseum. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the Jews of Landshut belonged to the religious community of Straubing and found their final resting place in the cemetery there.(Patrick Charell)
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