Here existed from the early Middle Ages until 1634/35 a Jewish community, which grew strongly in the 16th century and therefore found mention. It had a synagogue and a cemetery where Jews from the entire area were buried. Field names such as "Judenmahd" and "Judenweg" testify to the presence of Jews in the former county of Burgau. The name "Am Judenbegräbnis" (At the Jewish Burial Ground), which is still valid today in the Burgau district, clearly points to the cemetery. The community died out after the plague years of 1634/35 during the Thirty Years War. Nevertheless, the Burgau cemetery was still used as a burial place by Jews from other towns for some time. Today, after two gravestones were still standing in the cemetery in 1725, there is neither the slightest trace of the cemetery nor of gravestones.
The location of the cemetery is believed to be not far from today's Walter-Ludwig-Strasse.Complete profile
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