Theresienplatz 22
94315 Straubing
In the book " Straubinger Juden - Jüdische Straubinger " by Anita Unterholzner can be found in the chapter " Die Opfer des Nationalsozialismus " in the list of the Jewish Straubinger Bürger, who fell victim to the Nazi - terror following entries with the name Ansbacher: Max Ansbacher geb.on 9 November 1876 in Floss.address-Wittelsbacherstr. 2, deported on 3.4.1942, missing - Frieda Ansbacher, née Stern, born on 31.8.1896 in Heddesheim. Address-Wittelsbacherstr. 2, deregistered on 4/3/1942, missing - Else Ansbacher, born on 8/7/1921 in Straubing. Address-Zollergasse 6, deregistered 4/3/1942, missing - Lilly Ansbacher, born 8/3/1926 in Straubing. Address-Wittelbacherstr. 2, de-registered 3.4.1942, missing. Their fate is commemorated by the four Stolpersteine laid at Theresienplatz 22 in Straubing.

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