Schwanthalerstraße 29
80336 München
In the address book of the city of München from the year 1919, the following entries can be found: Rosenfelder E., A. & N. Herrenkleiderfabrik, (owners Nathan and Wilhelm Rosenfelder) Schwanthalerstr. 29 T. - Rosenfelder Nathan, (Fa E., A. & N. Rosenfelder), Fabrik Pettenkoferstr. 7/1 T. - Rosenfelder Wilh., Fabrikant, (Fa E., A. & N. Rosenfelder), Richard Wagner Str.15 Nathan Rosenfelder, born on December 28, 1859 in Dittenheim was married to Karolina (Lina), née Löwenthal, born on October 27, 1867 in Bad Kissingen. The marriage was on August 18, 1890 in Würzburg. In the same year the couple also moved to München, where Nathan Rosendorfer together with his brothers founded the men's and boys' clothing store E.,A. N. Rosenfelder was founded. Nathan and Karoline had 3 children - Elsa, née Kahn, born on May 26, 1891 in München - Walter, born on January 17, 1893 in München and Klara, née Stark, born on May 13, 1895 in München. After completing commercial training in Nuremberg, Berlin and Manchester, Walter Rosenfelder joined the company in 1914. Already on 01 Oct. 1914 he followed his call-up for military service. On February 03, 1917, he lost his life at Mericourt, France, as an officer trainee. Nathan Rosenfelder died on 26 Jan 1930 in Munich. His wife Karoline Rosenfelder was deported to Theresienstadt on Transport II/9 on June 25, 1942. There she died on 26.April 1944 from hunger typhus.
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