Pettenkoferstraße 26
80336 München
In the Münchner address book from 1925 the following entry can be found: van Wien Benjamin, Tuchhandel, Pettenkodferstra;e 26. - Benjamin van Wien was born on May 31, 1867 in Winschoten in Holland. His parents were Samuel van Wien, born September 5, 1835 in Winschoten and Rebekka, née Leda, born July 7, 1840 in Nieuwe Pekela. Benjamin van Wien was married to Babette van Wien, née Bein, born April 21, 1875 in Königshofen, daughter of Alexander Bein, born April 11, 1848 in Unsleben and Clara, née Schwab, born January 17, 1846 in Heidingsfeld. Benjamin and Babette van Wien had two sons - Siegbert Artur Shmuel, born November 30, 1898 in München and Maximilian, born in 1899. Benjamin van Wien ran a drapery business there. The family lived in München at this time before emigrating to Haarlem in the Netherlands. The last residence of the couple was in Amsterdam. There also lived the two sons Siegbert-Arthur and Max. Benjamin van Wien died in Amsterdam on November 23, 1947, at the age of 80. Babette van Wien died on November 5, 1951 in Amsterdam.

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