Theresienstraße 66
80333 München
In the address book for München and surroundings from the year 1909 is the following entry for the address of Clara Löwenberg: Theresienstra;e 66 - Frauenverein - Arbeiterinnenheim. The postcards are a correspondence of daughter ( Clara Löwenberg), at the time in München and mother ( Betty Löwenberg ) in Hohenems. - Betty Loewenberg was born on May 1, 1858, in St. Gallen, Switzerland. She was married to Josef Loewenberg, who was born in Hohenems on July 25, 1840. The couple had three children: a stillborn boy (January 27, 1881), Emanuel Erwin Loewenberg (born June 27, 1882), and Clara (Klara) Loewenberg (born April 22, 1886). In 1880 Betty Loewenberg, together with Charlotte Rosenthal and Karoline Bernheimer, headed the newly founded "Israelitischer Frauen- und Mädchen-Wohltätigkeitsverein" in Hohenems. This was the result of the merger of the Women's Association of the Hebrews of Hohenems, founded at the end of the 18th century, and the Israelite Girls' Association. Betty Loewenberg died in St. Gallen on July 6, 1929, and was buried in the Jewish cemetery in St. Gallen. Her husband Josef Löwenberg, "house owner, banker and private citizen" - member of the Hohenems synagogue choir and the singing society "Frohsinn" died already on May 26, 1909 in Hohenems and was buried in the Jüdische cemetery in Hohenems.
Clara Loewenberg worked during World War 1 as a nurse in Innsbruck and Landeck. From 1918 she lived again in Hohenems and made her living as a nurse and drawing teacher. In 1929 she moved to Vienna. Around 1936 she left the Jewish religious community. On February 6, 1941, presumably under the pressure of persecution, she voluntarily gave up her life.

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