Gotthardstraße 55
8002 Zürich
In the address book of the city of Zürich from 1935 the following entries can be found: Guggenheim, Berthold (Guggenheim), merchant, Gotthardstra;e 55 - In the Archiv für Zeitgeschichte - ETH Zürich the following entry can be found: Guggenheim Berthold ( 13.2.1880 - ? ), textile merchant. -In 1926 Berthold Guggenheim founded the company Bégé AG ". The company was mainly active in the wholesale of manufactured goods (white goods, plain and colorful woven shirting fabrics, woven and printed shawl fabrics) exclusively on the Swiss market. In later years Marcel Guggenheim also joined the company. In 1935, the company caused a sensation with the Bégé-artificial silk " which soon conquered the European and overseas markets with the label " crease-resistant, washfast, not shrinking " and a clever advertising campaign. In 1951, Marcel Guggenheim took over the business under the name Berthold Guggenheim Sohn + Co. When Marcel Guggenheim died suddenly in 1959, the company was continued by Léon Bollag and Max A. Furier through the joint establishment of Bégé SA in 1960.

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