Feuerbachstraße 50
60325 Frankfurt am Main
The origins of Leopold Cassella & Co. G.m.b.H. go back to 1798 in Frankfurt. At that time, David Lüb Caßel, who was born in Friedberg on December 8, 1766, founded the Caßel & Reiß " specialty goods business with his brother-in-law Isaac Elias Reiß in Frankfurt's Judengasse. When Ludwig Aaron Gans, who had joined the business in 1822, married Rosette Goldschmidt, daughter of Leopold Cassela's sister, who had joined his family due to his childless marriage, Ludwig Aaron Gans became a partner in the business. Together they founded the trading company Leopold Cassella & Co. After the death of Leopold Cassella on March 25, 1847, Ludwig Aaron Gans continued the company Leopold Cassella & Co. as sole proprietor. His sons Friedrich and Leo Gans, co-owners of a tar dye factory that they had founded together with their brother-in-law Bernhard Weinberg and the chemist August Leonhardt on the Mainkur in Fechenheim am Main, the Frankfurt aniline dye factory of Gans and Leonhardt, contributed their company to their father's business in 1870. This led to the founding of Cassella Farbwerke. August Leonhardt left the company in 1879. In 1882, Arthur and Carl Weinberg, the sons of Bernhard Weinberg, joined the company management.

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