Bennostraße 11
Lower Saxony
31139 Hildesheim
On the slope of Bergholz, at the end of Bennostra;e, on the edge of the old Bennoburgfeld the partially preserved Jüdische Friedhof of the former village of Moritzberg, where there was a small Jüdische Gemeinde since the 16th century. There are 29 preserved gravestones from 1780 to 1849, most of which have a Hebrew or German inscription, but two have an English inscription. During the Nazi period, the cemetery remained untouched, as its leveling or removal was deemed "not important for the war The gravestones were rearranged and laid horizontally in 1960. Most were put back in place in 2019. In the early 1990s, there were plans to level the cemetery and create a turnaround loop in its place for a housing development at the end of Bennostraß. Thanks to massive protests by local residents, however, the plans were not realized. In 1991, the cemetery was recognized by the Institute for the Preservation of Historical Monuments in Hanover as an architectural monument and thus as a cultural heritage site worth preserving.

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