Torgasse 4
73466 Lauchheim
Rosa Kaufmann was born in Lauchheim on February 2, 1881. Her parents were the estate owner and merchant Leopold Kaufmann and his wife Jette. In 1903, Rosa Kaufmann married Hugo Rossheimer, who was born in Schwabach on July 17, 1873. Hugo Rossheimer and his brother Max Rossheimer were co-owners of the Bamberg Wäschefabrik " Sichel & Kaufmann " which had existed since 1895. The couple had three children - Marie, born on November 26, 1903 in Bamberg, Stephan, born on July 6, 1905 in Bamberg, and Alice, born on December 31, 1909 in Bamberg. In 1936, son Stephan Rossheimer became another partner of the Wäschefabrik. In 1938, the company was forcibly sold in the course of the so-called "Aryanization" of Jewish companies and businesses. On April 25, 1942, Hugo and Rosa Rossheimer were deported from Bamberg to Izbica. There their trace is lost. The exact circumstances of their deaths remain unexplained. Daughter Marie and husband Lorenz managed to escape to Palestine. Son Stephan with wife Erna, née Marx, and daughter Gabriele emigrated to the USA in 1939. Daughter Alice and husband Edward Lewinson from Weißenfeld/Thüringen also managed to escape to America.
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