Karl Liebknecht Straße 10
10178 Berlin
In the Berlin Address Book Edition 1874 - Alphabetical List of the Inhabitants of Berlin with Indication of their Status and Dwellings including all Commercial Companies - Lipman Wulf, Baumwollwarenfabrik, Papenstraße 10, Pt. - Owners Siegmund Lipmann Wulf, Moritz Lipmann Wulf and Philip Wulf. - Lipmann Wuf was born on November 17, 1798 in Landsberg a.d. Warthe and was married to Rachel Friederike Wulf, née Schlesinger. Lipman Wulf died in Berlin on February 20, 1864. The couple had six children - Siegmund, born October 24, 1838, - Moritz, born January 4, 1840, - Felix, born July 20, 1841, - Simon Julius, born February 7, 1845, - Hendel Johanna, born about 1850 and Franz, born about 1857. According to the entry in the Berlin address book of 1874, at that time the brothers Siegmund, Moritz and Philip ( presumably Felix) were the owners of the cotton goods factory. Siegmund Lipman Wulf died on July 20, 1892, and in an obituary by the board of the Jewish community of Berlin, his passing is regretted as a painful loss. Siegmund Lipmann Wulf übte üover 20 years the office of a synagogue leader in the jüdische community.
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