Mehringplatz 13
10969 Berlin
In the Jüdisches Adressbuch für Gross-Berlin - edition1931/1932 are the following entries - Horwitz Georg, SW 61, Belle-Alliance-Platz 16 - Fleischer, Dr. Walter, Steglitz, Potsdamer Straße 17.
Georg Horwitz was an editor by profession and worked at the " Berliner Börsen - Courier " as a departmental editor in the trade section. He was married to Elsa, née Norden. The couple had two children - Erich, born on May 17, 1909, and Lieselotte Ellen Horwitz, born on December 26, 1914. Ernst Horwitz studied economics, history and philosophy at the universities of Würzburg, Marburg and Berlin. At the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin he studied for five semesters from 1930 to 1933 and wrote his dissertation here in his major subject Ökonomie with the title "Aufgaben und Bedeutung der Börsenberichterstattung" and dedicated it to his father. Ernst Horwitz died in the Mauthausen concentration camp on October 9, 1941, and his wife Anna Horwitz-Kahn was murdered in the Sobibor death camp on June 11, 1943.

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