Straße der Nationen
09111 Chemnitz
In 1881, Oskar Königsfeld and Richard Abraham founded the company Königsfeld & Co.– Confektions- und Manufacturwarenhandlung in Chemnitz.After they had opened on 17 September 1881 on Holzmarkt 10.After opening their first store at Holzmarkt 10 on September 17, 1881, they opened a second clothing store at Johannisplatz 8 on October 5, 1884.On November 12, 1889, the new, elegantly furnished business premises were opened in the magnificent multi-storey building at Brückenstraß 28, at the corner of Königstraß.On September 16, 1899, additional business premises were added in the neighboring building at Königstra;e 18, which was celebrated with a grand reopening. In the fall of 1913, Oscar Königsfeld left the general partnership and Richard Abraham took over sole management of the company. The sons Oskar and Theodor Abraham joined the family business as partners.1926 saw a further expansion of the business with the demolition of buildings between Brückenstra;e and Teichstra;e and the construction of a modern business building adapted to the needs of the new era.1928 saw a further conversion. The propaganda and repressive measures against young people that accompanied the rise to power of the National Socialists had a negative impact on the company. Businesses culminated in the so-called " Reichskristallnacht " with the destruction of the shop windows of the sales rooms of the department store.With the Überschreibung of the company to the previous Prokurist (a Christian relative) tried the Brüder Abraham to preserve the company. From July 1941 the fashion house was managed under the name Daners & Co. KG. In 1945 the building was destroyed and the company came to an end. After Oskar and Theodor Abraham after the end of the war their application for immediate Rückennung of the business in Königsfeld & Co. was approved by the competent district court. In 1947, the company ventured a new beginning. The clothing house Königsfeld & Co.then still existed until 1983.
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