Askanische Str. 109
06842 Dessau
The merchants Arthur and Siegfried Lewinsohn initially (1904) operated a shop for manufactures and fashion goods in Franzstra;e 3/4. Soon, the manufactures and fashion goods business became a shoe shop and shoe mail order house. From entries in Dessau address books from the time, it can be seen that the shop was located at Franzstraß 3/4 in the years 1904-1907. In 1908, the shop moved to Zerbster Straß 22. From 1909, the shop was located at Askanische Straß 109, where it can be traced until 1919 with the last owner Siegfried Lewinsohn. Arthur and Siegfied Lewinsohn advertised their shoes not only in Germany. They also sent their advertising catalogs to the German colonies - with success, as this envelope proves.

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