Opernstraße 11
95444 Bayreuth
In the address book of the city of Bayreuth from the year 1911 the following entry can be found: Friedmann Joseph (Inh. Lina u. Max Friedmann u. Joseph Rindsberg), Warenhaus, Opernstr.11.Joseph Friedmann was born on May 19, 1845 in Frankenwinheim, Germany. After attending a Jewish commercial school (Bruchselsche Handelslehr- & Erziehungsanstalt) in Segnitz, Joseph Liebmann completed a commercial apprenticeship (1860-1862) in the textile business of M. L. Harburger at Opernstrasse 7 in Bayreuth. Joseph Friedmann settled in Bayreuth and married Karoline Heymann from Fürth.1869 daughter Emma saw the light of day (later married to Simon Neuland).1870 daughter Rosa followed. She later married Joseph Rindsberg. In 1871 son Max was born.Until the opening of his large department store in 1899 Joseph Friedmann ran a trade in haberdashery and toys.On May 9, 1908 Joseph Friedmann died of a heart attack.Joseph Rindsberg's son Fritz (Friedrich) Rindsberg also joined the business. The world economic crisis of 1929 and the following years did not leave the Friedmann department store unscathed. When Fritz Rindsberg passed away in November 1930, his wife Selma Rindsberg, née Daniel, continued to run the company alone. In 1931, Selma Rindsberg and the factory owner Max Treu founded Einheitspreisgesellschaft GmbH, which, however, was run separately from Kaufhaus Friedmann. In 1932, the business was banned because of serious competition with the retail trade.As a result, the two businesses merged to form the Erwege company.In March 1933, there was the first boycott of the business, which was perhaps one of the reasons for Max Treu's emigration.From then on, Selma Rindsberg ran the business alone. She sold the business.1938/39 the business (building) was demolished at the request of Adolf Hitler
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