06406 Bernburg
To the old or first Jüdischen Begr bnisplatz in Bernburg is little überliefert. It lies at Kaiplatz next to the Kurhaus Bernburg on a green strip in front of a building used today (2022) as retirement home. Nothing points to this first Jewish cemetery. No gravestones have survived. - It was initially located outside the city walls and was used until 1826. In 1826 the new Jewish cemetery was inaugurated on the hill. At the end of the 19th century, the town of Bernburg planned to become a spa and health resort, which included a spa hotel (today a retirement home). Therefore, the Jüdische community sold the cemetery after long negotiations in 1899 to the city of Bernburg.
Even though the gravestones are no longer present the cemetery site is sold to the city of Bernburg and the site as such is no longer recognizable as a cemetery, the graves, unlike Christian or municipal cemeteries, are laid out for eternity and so far apparently remained untouched.
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