Bahnhofstraße 7
86150 Augsburg
The cradle of the ancestors of Moritz Rogger lie on his father's side in Mönchsdeggingen in the Ries. His father, the smoke merchant Josef Rogger was born in 1849 in Mönchsdeggingen and his grandfather Moses Rogger also came from Mönchsdeggingen and is buried there in the Jewish cemetery. His mother Lia Rogger, née Hummel was born in Buttenwiesen in 1853. Moritz (Moses) Rogger was born on October 25, 1897 in Nördlingen. Moritz Rogger had two sisters - Sofie, born April 10, 1877 - died September 23, 1892 and Hilda, born April 26 - died September 16, 1878. In 1893 the Rogger family moved from Nördlingen to Augsburg. In the course of assimilation, Moses Rogger had his first name changed at the age of 25 - Moses became Moritz. On October 25, 1911, Moritz Rogger married Karoline/Lina Hummel, born in Munich on January 10, 1881, at the Munich registry office. The marriage remained childless.The parents of Moritz Rogger both died in Nördlingen (Josef Rogger (1929) and Lia Rogger (1932). Both found their final resting place in Nördlingen at the Jewish cemetery. Moritz and Lina Rogger were deported from Augsburg to Munich-Berg am Laim on March 8/9 and deported from there to Auschwitz on March 13, 1943 and murdered.
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