Untere Marktstraße 3
97688 Bad Kissingen
The merchant Samuel Hofmann ran a textile shop in Bad Kissingen in the Untere Marktstrasse 12 (today 3. He was married to Sara Hofmann, née Hofmann. The couple had 3 children - Karl, Ludwig and Irene. In April 1919, Samuel Hofmann was elected to the board of directors of the Israelite religious administration. In this function, on November 19, 1925, he drew the attention of the Bad Kissingen City Council to the closure of the Israeli cemetery in the same month. Cemetery in the same month. He was also a member of the Association for the Protection of Public Commerce. His wife Sara headed the Jewish Women's Association in Bad Kissingen in 1924/1932. When Samuel Hofmann died in 1931, his daughter Irene and her husband Leopold Mueller took over the textile business until its Aryanization at the end of 1938. Sara Hofmann died on August 25, 1941, and was buried for the last time during the National Socialist era in the Jewish cemetery in Bad Kissingen. Irene and Leopold Müller, who did not want to leave the widowed Sara Hofmann alone after the sale of the business, were deported from Bad Kissingen to Krasnizcyn in April 1942 and met their death in the Lublin area. In Bad Kissingen, two Stolpersteine in Untere Marktstraße 3 commemorate the fate of Leopold and Irene Müller.
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