Gesandtenstraße 10
93047 Regensburg
Anschel Anton Bloch was born on January 14, 1836 in Floß. His parents were Abraham Samuel Bloch and Sara Bloch, née Königshofer. He was married to Emilie, née Wiener, born on September 24, 1846 in Floß. The couple had 4 children, - Maria, Adolf, Klara and Laura. In the series " Regensburg Studies and Sources on Cultural History - 6 ", published by the Museums and Archives of the City of Regensburg - by Siegfried Wittmer - Regensburg Jews - Jewish Life from 1519 - 1990 - you will find the following entries on Anton Bloch: Around 1903, 66 businesses of Regensburg Jews of the Israelite denomination are known in Regensburg, including - Anton Bloch and Louis Hahn, short, white and woolen goods, yarns of all kinds en gros (p.221). In the newspaper Bayrische Ostmark 31.5.1938 a list of 59 Jewish businesses and law firms appeared, which in the opinion of the writing journalists had to leave (p.305-307). On page 368 still the supplementary addition to a few lines " about Max Kahn deported to " Piaski and his apartment in Gesandtenstraße 10 - Bayerische Ostmark 31.5.1938; - Max Kahn was owner of the haberdashery " Anton Bloch ". This company can be proven already on 20.2.1872 in Regensburg.
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