Herdentorsteinweg 1
28195 Bremen
In the city address book Bremen 1934, the following entry is found in the company directory - forwarding agents-Boas Richard & Co, Herdentorsteinweg 1/2.The origin of the company Richard Boas & Co goes back to the U.S. in 1827. There, the ancestors of Brüder Boas had already founded the company C. B. Richard Boas & Co. There, the ancestors of the Boas family had already founded the company C. B. Richard Boas & Co. At first, they only acted as an agency for Europeans willing to emigrate, handling the bureaucratic and financial formalities, and in 1847 they founded their own agencies in Hamburg and Bremen.Over the decades, successful business led to the founding of the company Richard Boas & Co. Übersee-Spedition.Ludwig and Richard Boas grew up in the U.S. It is not known when they moved to Hamburg.Richard Boas first entry in the Hamburg address book was in 1898, Ludwig's entry followed in 1902.Richard and Ludwig Boas were the business owners and as such ran the freight forwarding company.1921 the company was located in the old town in the Richardhaus, Schauenburgerstrasse 14, owned by Richard Boas.After the National Socialists came to power, the order situation of the forwarding agency declined, the business environment changed for the worse for Jewish companies and ultimately led to the fact that in the course of the Aryanization of Jewish companies, the business of Boas also appointed the manager of the Bremen branch, Mr. Fischer Senior, as owner in 1939. Richard Boas probably died already in the mid-late 1930s due to mental upheaval.October 1941 the first deportations of Hamburg Jews began. Ludwig Boas was not affected thanks to his American citizenship, especially since he was married to a German woman.
However, since America's entry into the war, Ludwig Boas was considered an enemy alien. A 4 week arrest and further harassment led to Ludwig Boas ending his life on August 22, 1942.
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