Pettenkoferstraße 42
80336 München
Jakob Regensteiner was born on 21.10.1864 in Ulm. The parents were Sigmund Regensteiner from Pflaumloch / Ulm and Regina Regensteiner, née Gift from Hainsfarth. The ancestors of Jakob Regensteiner can be traced back in Pflaumloch (Riesbürg) to the 16th/17th century.Jakob Regensteiner married on 23.08.1905 in München Hedwig Regensteiner, née Kahn, born on 12.09.1882 in München, The couple had one son, - Walter Sigmund, born on 22.12.1907 in München. Jakob Regensteiner was a cigar wholesaler. His father Sigmund Regensteiner was the founder of the cigar wholesale company Sigmund Regensteiner in Munich. Jakob Regensteiner was an authorized signatory and, together with his brother Ludwig, a partner in the cigar business. From 1937 Jakob Regensteiner started a retail trade on order with tobacco products in Pettenkoferstra;e 42/II. This business was deregistered on 01.04.1938. Jakob Regensteiner died on 27.01.1940 in Munich. Hedwig Regensteiner was deported to Kowno (Kaunas ) and murdered there on 25.11.1941. Walter Regnesteiner married Ruth Nattenheimer in March 1938, in the summer of that year the couple emigrated to San Francisco, California.
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