Bergstraße 21
33824 Werther
The cemetery is located in the street angle "Bergstra;e" / "Egge" west of the town center of Werther on the eastern slope of the Werther Egge. The approximately 1300 square meters of land had been acquired by the brothers Aron Bendix and Jordan Bendix Weinberg as early as 1889. The former Jewish community of Werther buried their deceased community members in the cemetery from 1895 to 1942. Before that they buried their dead on the old cemetery in Bielefeld and on the cemetery in Halle.
The 22 gravestones are both Hebräisch and German inscribed and do without in their überwiegend simple design on tradtionell typical jüdische gravestone symbolism (eg.B. Star of David, blessing priest hands, Hanukkah candlesticks).
A memorial stone was erected at the head of the cemetery in 1951: "In memory of the members of the Jüdische communities Werther and Halle i. Westf. who lost their lives in the years 1933-1945. It bears 20 name inscriptions.
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