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Bayerischer Platz 13
10779 Berlin

52.4884745, 13.3405984

On June 22, 1935, Benedict Lachmann wrote a letter to the Geschäftsstelle des Gau Groß-Berlin im Bund Reichsdeutscher Buchhändler requesting the placement of an apprentice for his bookstore. The Gau's managing director, Höynck, formulated a letter in which he rejected Lachmann's request because his bookstore was „non-Aryan owned“. Before sending his reply, Höynck turned to the Börsenverein, which was responsible for apprentice training, for political cover. The Börsenverein welcomed Höynck's position, but could not legally clarify whether non-Aryans were allowed to train Aryan apprentices and asked Höynck to turn to the Reichsschrifttumkammer (RSK). Höynck wrote to the RSK and described the situation to those responsible. The RSK then approved Höynck's original reply letter. This decision closed a loophole in the regulations on discrimination against Jewish bookstores. Höynck could thereafter officially reject Lachmann's request for mediation without hesitation.

In April 1937, Lachmann sold the bookstore to his associate Paul Behr.

He was deported to Lodz on Oct. 18, 1941, and died there on Dec. 4, 1943.The bookstore was completely destroyed in bombing raids. After the war, Behr rented new premises at Grunewaldstr. 59. He continued to run the bookstore until 1975, when he sold it to Christiane Fritsch-Weith.

Fritsch-Weith, Christiane, Buchladen Bayerischer Platz, Berlin 2015.
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