Hofmannstraße 52
81379 München
The merchant and later factory owner Arthur Michaelis, born on 28.09.1859 in Königsberg married on 16.02.1888 in Munich Frieda Michaelis, née Obermeyer (also: Obermaier), daughter of the Munich merchant Hirsch Obermeyer and Sophie Obermeyer, née Marx. The couple had 3 daughters - Theodora, born on 10.10.1890, Elsa, born on 16.01.1892 and Erna, born on 30.11.1896. Arthur Michaelis was the founder of the machine factory A. Michaelis KG, which specialized in the manufacture of laundry and plating machines. His wife Frieda Michaelis was a partner in the machine factory. Son-in-law Gustav Mannheimer, married to daughter Theodora, was the owner and personally liable partner of the machine factory. At the turn of the year 1938/39 the Aryanization of the factory took place by takeover. In 1941 the company was renamed to Monachia Maschinenfabrik GmbH. Arthur Michaelis died already on 03.12.1904 in München. His wife Frieda Michaelis came with the first Münchner transport on 04.06.1942 to Theresienstadt. According to the death notice of the Council of Elders, Frieda Michaelis died there on August 6, 1942. Impoverished by the Aryanization, threatened by homelessness and in view of the coming first transport, Gustav Mannheimer and his wife Theodora took their own lives on December 18, 1942. Elsa Michaelis, married Gerson, emigrated with her husband and son at the end of August 1940 via Russia and Shanghai to the USA. Erna Michaelis died at the childlike age of 8 years on 02.07.1904 in Munich.

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