Struvestraße 10
02826 Görlitz
A commemorative plaque has been unveiled at the birthplace of the Austrian children's and youth author Mira Lobe in Görlitz on Struvestrasse 9. The occasion was the 100th birthday of the writer, who was born Hilde Miriam Rosenthal on September 17, 1913 in the new town. Her best-known work is "Das kleine Ich bin Ich".
The Landesfrauenrat Sachsen (Saxony State Women's Council) commemorates the young children's and young adults' author Mira Lobe with a plaque on Struvestraße in Görlitz as part of its project "frauenorte sachsen". Born in Görlitz, Hilde Mirjam Rosenthal celebrated her greatest successes with Die Omama im Apfelbaum (1965) and Das kleine Ich-bin-ich (1972). In total, she wrote more than 100 books for children of different ages, which have been translated into more than 30 languages.
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