Heinrich Heine Allee 29
40214 Düsseldorf
In the address book of the city of Düsseldorf from 1902 is the following entry - J. Neumann (Inh. Berthold Neumann and Wwe. Julie Neumann,Berlin) Cigarrengeschäft, Communicationsstra;e 9.
Jehuda (Julius) Neumann,born 1818 in Pyritz in Pomerania moved to Berlin and acquired in 1850 the Bürgerrecht. In 1855 he married Julie Rathenau (1836–1916), the cousin of Emil Rathenau. As early as 1850, Jehuda founded the J. Neumann cigar and tobacco factory in Berlin. The first head office was located at Papenstrasse, later Kaiser Wilhelmstrasse No. 9 in Berlin. Later it was replaced by a newer building, which was located at Johannisstraß 20–21.1899 an attractive corner building was built in Düsseldorf at Communicationsstra;e 3 as a branch of the Berlin cigar and tobacco factory J. Neumann.
In 1930, the Düsseldorf company building was demolished in favor of a new building (Geschäftshaus Ziem).
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