Leipziger Straße 88
06108 Halle
A mention finds Siegried Neufeld in the book " Jüdisches Leben in Segeberg vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert: gesammelte Aufsätze ..." by Friedrich Gleiss. In the chapter über den Präses der jüdischen Gemeinde Segeberg - Ludwig Levy - it is described there that the Präses Ludwig Levy demanded further contributions from the former community member Siegfried Neufeld, although he had moved to Halle. The Halle address book of 1899 contains the following entry - Neufeld, Siegried, Lederhandlung, Leipzigerstr,88,pt (first floor). In the address book for Halle a.S. and surroundings 1924 the following entry is found in the address section of the inhabitants; - Neufeld,Siegfried,founded 1898, fine leather, Am Bauhof 1 (Tel.3110), apartment: Neue Promenade 16 II. In the section " Traders " - Leather - Factories & Actions - the following entry - Neufeld, Siegfried, Am Bauhof 1, (Tel.Nr.3110).
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