Adlerflychtstraße 29
60318 Frankfurt
Hugo ( Naphtali ) Murr was born on March 21, 1871 in Frankfurt am Main. The parents were David ( Löb ) Murr, born in Deggingen and his wife Sofie Neuburger, born in Bad Buchau. Hugo Murr and his wife Frieda Sarah succeeded on 30.August 1940 still the emigration on the ship " Buenos Aires Maru " from Yokohama üvia San Pedro - California to Buenos Aires - Argentine.
In the address book Jüdisches Frankfurt 1935 - 1935 Jewish Frankfurt Adressbook finds the following entry - Murr, Hugo, Damen-Hüte, Kaiserstra;e 66
In the book " Handeln und Überleben: Jüdische Unternehmer aus Frankfurt am Main 1924–1964 " by Benno Nietzel, the " Textilgro;handel - Hugo Murr " is listed among other companies in a table on the sales development of some Jüdische Unternehmen in the years 1933 - 1938.

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