Landwehrstraße 67
80336 München
In the city address book of Munich from 1920 the following entry can be found - Bühler Samuel, Kaufmann, Landwehrstraße 67. Samuel Bühler, born on February 8, 1863 in Kleinerdlingen near Nördlingen married Rosa Heumann in December 1891 in Göppingen. In January 1892, the newlyweds moved to Munich. On December 23, 1892, the couple had a daughter - Franziska. But already on January 12, 1893 little Franziska Bühler died. On April 10, 1895, their son Justin saw the light of day, but he too must have died very young. The further marriage remained childless. Samuel Bühler was active as a merchant. According to the entry in genealogical pages Samuel Bühler was in Dachau. He died on November 26, 1935. On the genealogical page the cause of death is given as " genocide " - murdered by the Nazis. In the summer of 1936 the widow Rosa Bühler moved back to her birthplace Göppingen. On August 22, 1942 Rosa Bühler was deported from Stuttgart to Theresienstadt. On September 29, 1942, she was transported on to Treblinka to her death. The recipient of the card was Samuel Bühler's brother-in-law, the brother of his wife Rosa, née Heumann. Hugo Heumann was the business owner of "Hugo Heumann" - trade in weaving waste, later "En gros business in cotton goods"
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