Hoymer Strasse
06493 Ballenstedt
Coming from the direction of Hoym, one reaches a small driveway to the right immediately before the place name sign "Ballenstedt". About it one reaches the entrance of the cemetery.
.The large area, enclosed by a wall, is empty except for a memorial stone erected in its center. The preserved about 15 gravestones were placed along the right outer wall (seen from the gate). Four memorial plaques are placed at its near-gate end.
The gate is locked, a plaque placed there indicates that a key is available at the town hall, room 11.
The cemetery, which originated around the year 1790, survived the Nazi period undestroyed, but fell into disrepair after 1945. It was cleared up or cleared away in the 1980s, the memorial was created in its current form (last reconstructed in 1997). The grounds appear reasonably well maintained.
As of May 2007
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