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Am Freiheitsplatz 6
63450 Hanau

Früherer Straßenname
Hohe Landesschule Hanau
50.135771134241, 8.9186230523121

In 1708, Heinrich Jakob Bashuysen, preacher of the Dutch congregation in Hanau and professor of oriental languages and church historyat the Hohe Landesschule in Hanau, established a new Oriental printing house. He used this printing house mainly to publish his own publications in the field of Oriental studies. This luminary in the field of Oriental studies initially worked closely with Jewish printers. However, he fell out with them. The dispute went all the way to the Reichshofrat in Vienna, where the files are still stored today.

The print shop was housed in Bashuysen's house. Since it has not yet been possible to determine his place of residence, the marker is on the grounds of the Hohe Landesschule (today DGB-Haus).

The print shop existed with several changing owners until the year 1745. Thus, in 1715, after Bashuysen's departure to the academic Gymnasium in Zerbst, the print shop passed to Johann Jakob Beausang, who had been working with Salomon (Salman) Hanau since 1716.

In 1725, a new Hebrew printing house was established by Michael Hanau, in which at least three books were printed.
On several occasions, Frankfurt booksellers such as Seligman Reis and Michel Stern acted as publishers and ordered in the Hanau printers books at their expense.

In the 1920s 18th  century the Oriental Drllckerei suffered increasingly from the growing competition of Hebrew books from Offenbach and FrankfurtIM and only small editions were printed. After the death of Beausang in 1728, his widow sold the printing materials to the printing house in the Orphanage, in which in 1744 a devotional booklet on dying, Lewajat ehen, was printed.

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