Complete profile

Abtshof 14-17
38820 Halberstadt

51.897337987654, 11.044211226694

1922 New construction of the administration building for the "Handelshaus Aron Hirsch & Sohn" in Halberstadt Abtshof (design: P. Mebes, Berlin)

1927 Relocation of the company headquarters to Berlin, acquisition of the building by the Halberstadt local health insurance


Aron Hirsch (born 1858 in Halberstadt) joined the metal trading company Aron Hirsch & Sohn in Halberstadt, founded by his grandfather Aron Hirsch (1783-1842), in 1877. In addition to trading in copper and brass, the company maintained two important copper and brass plants in Eberswalde and Ilsenburg. The company was run according to Orthodox Jewish tradition and also generously supported the Jewish community.

In 1898, Aron Hirsch moved to Berlin to take over the management of the Eberswalde brass works after the death of his uncle, Gustav Hirsch. In 1907, the industrial activities were spun off from the trading house into the newly formed Hirsch Kupfer- und Messingwerke AG (HKM) company in Berlin.

In Halberstadt, too, HKM continued to offer numerous jobs into the 1920s, especially for Jewish workers*. After the relocation of the company to Berlin, the tax revenue of the city of Halberstadt dropped significantly. Jewish community life also experienced a deep cut.

Auf den Spuren jüdischen Lebens durch Halberstadt [Faltplan], hrsg, Verein zur Bewahrung jüdischen Erbes in Halberstadt und Umgebung e.V., Texte: Günter Maeß / Martin Gabriel / Jutta Dick, 1. korrigierte Nachauflage, Halberstadt 2004.
Schulze, Peter, Vom Handelshaus „Aron Hirsch & Sohn“ zu den „Hirsch Kupfer- und Messingwerken“ (1806-1931). Ein fast vergessenes Kapitel aus der Geschichte der deutschen Metallindustrie, in: Wegweiser durch das jüdische Sachsen-Anhalt, hrsg. Jutta Dick / Marina Sassenberg, Potsdam 1998, S. 290-299.
Lüdemann, Monika, Quartiere und Profanbauten der Juden in Halberstadt [Dissertation, Fachbereich Architektur, TU Braunschweig], Braunschweig 2004, S. 172-181 (Kap. 3.5.3) und 261.
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