Rheinstrasse 5
46483 Wesel
Documents about Jewish life in Wesel are found for the first time for the year 1266. Through the persecutions in the context of the Crusades to the plague pogroms around 1350, only individual Jewish families in Wesel can be traced.
A modest Jewish community had emerged toward the end of the 16th century, and a century later a significant and successful community had developed. Around the year 1900, the maximum number of Jewish citizens was 300 people. They played a significant role in the economic life.
The first synagogue was probably built around 1600. From 1643 the regional rabbi resided there. In 1692 the Gompertz family built a private synagogue. Possibly one of the synagogues was used by the Sephardic community for its own services. The new synagogue was built in 1841 on Rheinstrasse and destroyed in November 1938. There are 2 cemeteries in Wesel. The cemetery at the Esplanade dates from the 17th century, the cemetery at the Ostglacis was occupied from the year 1880.
Fateful years
In Wesel existed around 1930, in addition to a Jewish elementary school and the synagogue, numerous associations that served various purposes. There existed numerous business and craft enterprises, doctors,lawyers and department stores, which belonged to Jews and were fully integrated into the normal operations of the city. The boycott measures that began in April 1933 led to Jewish citizens who could afford it and who had the appropriate connections fleeing abroad. Many Jews did not realize the seriousness of the situation, as they were fully integrated into the Wesel citizenry and did not feel threatened. In November 1939, in addition to the synagogue, almost all businesses and homes of Jews were destroyed. People were systematically persecuted. Those who could, emigrated or fled. The 87 Jews still living in Wesel after 1941 were taken to concentration camps and murdered.
Steinheim-institut, Hauptseite
Brocke, Michael: Nur Gräber bleiben mir - Jüdische Friedhöfe in Wesel,[nbsp]Köln 1988
Pracht – Jörns, Elfi: Jüdisches Kulturerbe in Nordrhein-Westfalen.[nbsp]Bachem, Düsseldorf 2000
Prieur, Jutta: Auf den Spuren der Juden in Wesel, Stadtarchiv Wesel 1988
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