Notification.-In order to put a stop to the generally forbidden peddling by Jews in Nördlingen, which is becoming more and more prevalent and is affecting ordinary trade, the Royal Police Commissariat, by order of the Royal General Commissariat, sees itself compelled to renew the earlier decree of the former General Commissariat of the Swabian Province of August 24, 1903, by issuing the following notice: 1.Jews are forbidden to peddle goods of any kind in the city of Nördlingen. 1.Jews are strictly prohibited from peddling goods of any kind in the city of Nuremberg, which is generally forbidden anyway, at the rate of 5 guilders in the first case of begging, and if the punished individual is implicated a second time, the above fine will be increased by confiscation of all goods, for the benefit of the local poor fund. 2.As far as the trade with goods is concerned, the most recent regulations shall remain in force anyway.3Except for the fairs, horse and cattle markets in the city, which they may attend, they shall not be permitted to trade there in anything other than old clothes, gold, silver, pearls and valuables.4 They shall not be permitted to deposit new goods in the city, and to this end their chambers and apartments shall be inspected unexpectedly, the new goods found therein taken away and confiscated for the benefit of the poor fund.5For the removal of such warehouses, a peremptory term of eight days shall be given, within which also those citizens, with whom Jews have warehouses, shall be obliged to report the punishment to the royal police commissioner's office. The Royal Police Commissariat shall keep a strict watch on the exact observance of these regulations, and shall use all means to track down those who violate them. However, should one or the other know how to escape attention, it will be given to any honest resident of Nottingham, who at the same time, in addition to concealment of his name, a third of the fine as a reward.
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Bekanntmachung - Hausierverbot für Juden 1812
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Peter Karl Müller, Kirchheim am Ries
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Official announcement of the Royal Bavarian Police - Commissariat on behalf of the city of Nördlingen on the ban on peddling for Jews in January 1812
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