17192 Waren (Müritz)
The Jewish cemetery of Waren covers an area of about 1000 square meters on Papenbergstrasse north of the city center. The site was purchased by the Jewish community from the city in 1846. Presumably, there was already a cemetery before, and the purchase only expanded the old cemetery.
It is likely that from 1700 the dead were first buried at Schwerin's Heidsee, then a cemetery in Waren was required because of the growth of the community. On an old map from 1786 there is a small, enclosed area at the current location, which could correspond to a cemetery that already existed around that time.
An older eyewitness still saw gravestones with purely Hebrew lettering and in the old rounded top shape. This observation could be as evidence for a dating of the cemetery before the first half of the 19th century.
In 1938 the cemetery was completely destroyed by the Nazis. After the war in 1948 the municipality of Waren had the cemetery restored. At that time only individual gravestones and remains of the perimeter wall were present. A gravestone was found in the Tiefwarensee.
.During a restoration in 1986, the outer wall was repaired and the area of the cemetery was turned into a park-like area. The gravestones were no longer present at that time.
According to an oral communication, the stones should have been used for the construction of the cemetery wall.
A memorial was erected in the center of the park-like grounds. It consists of a brick ring with a metal Star of David. A memorial plaque is located at one of the two outer gates.
Brocke, Michael: Stein und Name, Die jüdischen Friedhöfe in Ostdeutschland. (Neue Bundesländer/DDR und Berlin), Berlin 1994, Institut Kirche und Judentum S. 652ff
Schul-Film-Projekt "Juden in Röbel": Zwei Filme der Dokumentarfilmgruppe des Joliot-Curie-Gymnasiums Röbel unter Leitung und Mitarbeit von Raimund Schneider vom Verein Land & Leute e.V. Röbel 2002-2003.
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