Leather and hop store, banking business - Levi Waitzfelder

Complete profile

Levi Waitzfelder was a grandson of the leather merchant Salomon Loew Waitzfelder, who moved from Aufhausen near Bopfingen to Mönchsdeggingen around 1766. From 1861 Levi Waitzfelder was active in Nördlingen as a banker and hop wholesaler. In 1885 Levi Waitzfelder moved his business from Nördlingen to Munich. After his father's death in 1902, his son Kommerzienrat Theodor Waitzfelder continued the successful activities in full vigor. He also made a name for himself as a patron of the arts with donations to the Neue Pinakothek and the Deutsches Museum.

Banker and merchant - Julius Wolbach

Complete profile

Julius Wolbach was appointed in 1896 as the first Jüdischer Bürger in the college of the municipality representatives of the city Nördlingen. In 1906 he was succeeded by Salomon Gutmann. The appointment to this body can be seen both as a sign of the integration that had occurred in the meantime and of personal esteem. Julius Wolbach was elected one of the 24 municipal representatives after the municipal elections in December 1893. The election of Salomon Gutmann as a Gemeindebevollmächtigten took place at the election in December 1905.