Old synagogue Ulm

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In 1867 the Jewish community acquired the property of the tanner Eberhard Fromm on the north side of the Weinhof for the price of 32,752 gulden, on which there was a large house with a rear building (properties Weinhof 2 and 3). The new synagogue was built according to the plans of architect and city building council Adolf Wolff from Stuttgart in the Moorish style (at that time also called "strict Byzantine style") as a brick building with tracery in house stones.

Synagogue Korbacher Street (Sachsenhausen)

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The first prayer rooms in private houses are mentioned as early as 1781. It was not until 1860 that the desire for an independent synagogue arose. The official inauguration date is 01 November 1863.The building was sold by the Jewish community in 1938. Before it was used as a church by the Catholic community in 1947, the building was used as a warehouse for building materials and supplies by the military. In 1962 the building was demolished to build a road crossing. Since 1991, there is a memorial plaque at the former site.

Synagogue Hauptstraße 15 (Höringhausen)

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After 1945, the building was used for housing refugee families. After that, the building was a warehouse of Raiffeisenbank. Until the end of the 1950s, it remained essentially structurally unchanged. Only then the former synagogue was structurally heavily modified by the Raiffeisenbank and externally made unrecognizable as a former place of worship . Currently (2008) in the building is a branch of Waldecker Bank, Korbach.   

Synagogue Untergasse (Spangenberg)

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At first there was probably a prayer room in one of the Jewish houses. A first synagogue was built around 1806. At the beginning of the 1830s there were first considerations in view of a new synagogue building and a larger schoolhouse. In May 1833, master builder Augener submitted cost estimates and building plans for this, but these were not implemented.