Synagogue Nürnberger Straße (Hirschaid)

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Until 1838 the synagogue was located in the upper part of the house No. 31 (today Nürnberger Straße 16, rear building). This house belonged to Löb Jakob until around 1840. Since 1735 the Jewish community had held its services in this house. In the lower part of the house there was a ritual bath. In the 1820s, the previous synagogue was in a "too ruinous and dilapidated" condition.

Former synagogue Ketschendorfer Straße 30 (Coburg)

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A synagogue (judenschul) already existed in the Middle Ages. It is first mentioned in a document in 1393 and was located in the Judengasse near the Judentor. A more exact localization is not possible. In 1433 a precentor is mentioned. A richly illuminated Hebrew manuscript (Torah), written in 1390-1395 by the scribe Simcha ben Samuel Halewi for Jacob Meir ben Owadia in Coburg, testifies to a rich intellectual life of the Coburg Jews. After the expulsion of the Jews from Coburg, the synagogue was transformed into a Christian St.

Synagogue Münzgasse (Bayreuth)

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On Sabbath Para 5520 = March 15, 1760 the synagogue in Bayreuth was consecrated. Already earlier Jews had lived in Bayreuth. Around the middle of the 13th century they had settled here and in 1515 they were forced to emigrate. Remains of the old Jewish settlement no longer exist, only one street is popularly called 'Judengasse', perhaps in memory of past times. Individual Jewesses*Jews were later allowed to move in especially if their services were needed.  

New synagogue Max Street (Bad Kissingen)

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In 1705 a first synagogue was built not far from the "Judenhof" of the Erthaler Schutzjuden (property Bachstraße 2). In 1851/52 a new building was erected on the site of this first synagogue, which, however, was soon too small due to the rapidly growing number of Jewish community members. In the 1880s, efforts were made to acquire a suitable plot of land.

Wolfsthal Square Synagogue (Aschaffeburg)

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The medieval Jewish residential area was located in the city center near the market district in the area of Große Metzgergasse (today Dalbergstraße)/Stiftsplatz. A synagogue was first mentioned in 1344. It stood in the Dalbergstraße/Rathausgasse corner before and after the persecution in the plague period. It is mentioned as "Judenschule" (1363, 1383, 1385, 1397, 1437) or as "synagoga Judeorum" (1402). Until the middle of the 15th century it was used for the services of the Jewish community. For unknown reasons, it fell into disrepair and was completely destroyed in 1459.    

Synagogue main street Hörstein (Alzenau)

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Already in the second half of the 18th century a prayer hall or a synagogue was present. In 1824, the Jewish community in Hörstein had to recognize the dilapidation of their prayer house. In view of the need for a new building, 1,400 gulden had already been collected in donations at that time. Thus, the synagogue building was probably realized in the following years. A report on the inauguration and the exact date of the inauguration are not known.

Synagogue Kameralamtsgasse (Rottweil)

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In 1857 Isaak Petersburger laid the foundation for a new synagogue in Rottweil with 25 gulden in memory of his wife Franziska née Degginger. In the following year, a new Torah scroll and a new Torah shrine could be purchased for 80 gulden. In 1861 the synagogue building association acquired a plot of land with a building at Cameralamtsgasse 6, which was converted for worship purposes in the same year. On the first floor of this building, a prayer room was established.

Zerrener Street Synagogue

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In 1891/92 the new synagogue was built on the property Zerrennerstraße 26/28 and was solemnly consecrated on December 27, 1892 . The design for the new synagogue, built in Moorish-Gothic style, came from Prof. Ludwig Levy (1854-1907) from Karlsruhe; the Pforzheim architect Klein was responsible for the execution.

Synagogue (Mühringen)

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During the November pogrom of 1938, fire was set in the synagogue building by unknown SA men. The Mühringen fire department, alerted by neighbors, was able to extinguish the fire, which had been set in the area of the Torah shrine, a short time later. Torah shrine as well as part of the benches and windows were destroyed by the fire. Some of the cult objects could be saved by the Jews still living in Mühringen. In June 1943, the synagogue became the property of the Horb tax office, which rented it to the Mauser arms factory for a warehouse of rifle stocks.