Foundation GIVE BACK
The foundation supports female artists and scientists of Jewish origin or Jewish faith.
Charity Gemillus Chesed
The club was under the direction of Albert Brück in 1924.
Jewish Women's Association (Haßloch)
The purpose of the association was to support the poor. In 1932 it was headed by the wife of H. Springer.
Charitable society (Dittelsheim-Heßloch)
In 1926 Sigmund Krautkopf was the head of the association.
Women's Charity Association (Alsheim)
The Women's Benevolent Society was under the leadership of Mrs. Isidor David in 1924 and had nine members.
Charitable society (Alsheim)
The club was under the leadership of Alfred David in 1924 and had eight members.
Jewish Women's Association (Bleicherode)
The Israelite Women's Association of Bleicherode was founded in 1916. Ida Rothenberg, who lived at Burgstraße 7, was the chairwoman of the association in Bleicherode in 1924-32, whose purpose was to support the needy. Funerals also fell within his remit. At the time of Rothenberg's leadership, the association counted 30-40 members.
Sisters Lodge
The sisters' lodge was chaired by Mrs. Lebram in 1932.
Gotha-Loga of the Independent Order of Bnei Berith
In 1932 Kurt Simson was president of the club.