Street & Locale Names
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Street & Locale Names
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In memory of Joseph Ben Issachar Süßkind Oppenheimer (1698 - 04.02.1738), a square in the heart of the state capital Stuttgart, parallel to the main shopping street and in the immediate vicinity of the former Münzprägeanstalt, commemorates Joseph Süßkind Oppenheimer. After extensive renovation work, which has significantly upgraded the square, a memorial site is also expected to commemorate the square's namesake, who was the victim of a judicial murder in Stuttgart, from December 2024.

Karoline Kaulla Passage

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The passage in the inner courtyard of the Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW), between Stuttgart's main railway station and the Europaviertel with its new city library and the Milaneo shopping center, commemorates Karoline Chaile Kaulla, who made history as a Swabian entrepreneur.

Judengraben/Daniel Itzig

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The Judengraben is a very important project built by King Frederick II at the end of the 18th century. The ditch was intended to transport felled tree trunks from the Potsdam and Templin forests towards the city canal. It was built so that the logs would not have to be transported by water past the island of Hermannswerder. So this ditch has nothing to do with the Nazi era, it takes its name from the „court Jew“ Daniel Itzig. Itzig was born on March 18, 1723 and died on May 21, 1799. He was active at the royal court as a merchant and received a great deal of recognition as a result.

Historic Jewish Quarter (Dreifaltigkeitsplatz)

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When the town of Landshut was founded in 1204, the first Jewish inhabitants settled in the area of today's "Dreifaltigkeitsplatz" and several side streets (including Nahensteig/Narrensteig), see separate entry. According to "Alemannia Judaica" Jews "were first mentioned in 1256 in a police and trade regulation". In Spitzlberger's book (p. 167) there is evidence that Jews were even involved in the construction of the town of Landshut as early as 1204 as donors. 

Jüdengasse Naumburg (Saale)

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Narrow alley in the city center, which today leads from Topfmarkt to Jakobstraße. However, the breakthrough to Jakobstraße only came about in the 18th century. The alley was used as a Jewish quarter, for which there is evidence of a synagogue and a mikvah. In 1410, the number of Jewish families was limited to 22. The expulsion took place in 1494. After the transfer of Naumburg from Saxony to Prussia following the Congress of Vienna (1815), Jews resettled, but did not move back to Jüdengasse.

Nahensteig; Narrensteig (from the Hebrew name: Nahar: by the stream)

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The name of the alley "Nahensteig" (or also "Narrensteig") is said to go back to the Hebrew name "Nahar" (Hebrew: Am Bach). In the Middle Ages, a branch of the Isar ran through today's Old Town and flowed in the area of today's Nahensteig. This Mühlbach ran several mills and rejoined the Isar; later the stream was blocked and the mills relocated. (More detailed description in the book by Georg Spitzllberger).

(c) Spitzlberger, Georg: Die Juden im mittelalterlichen Landshut, 1988, p. 189 Ewähnung im Zusammenhang mit dem "Judenbad"

Munich Gate ("Jewish Gate")

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The Münchner Tor at the ¨bergang "Innere Münchener Str." / "Dreifaltigkeitsplatz" was demolished in 1874 as it was too narrow and too low for the ever-increasing traffic. As today's Dreifaltigkeitsplatz, with the synagogue converted into a church, was the medieval Jewish quarter, the colloquial name was also "Judentor"

The Benary family (Benaryplatz)

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The Benary family was a wealthy Jüdische family who lived in the 19th century. They became famous and influential through seed cultivation and gardening.

Ernst Benary married Bella Jonassohn and they had 7 children.

They owned 3 villas, the first was built in 1878, 2 more followed.

In 1843 Ernst Benary founded his art and commercial nursery. The company flourished.

However, anti-Semitic policies were no exception here either: the Benary company was Aryanized in 1938 and was given a National Socialist managing director.