JP Parent
Solr Facette
Term ID

Jacobson family

Complete profile

Here lived:

1) Dr. Ernst Jacobson (born 1884), lawyer. demütigt, Berufsverbot, was found dead in his allotment garden before emigration, 08.10.1938 , board of the synagogue community Osnabrück

2) Wife Margarete Jacobson, née Mosheim (born 1899), escape 1939 to the USA

3)  Else Jacobson (born 1923), escape 1939 to the USA

4) Rudolf Jacobson (born 1928), escape 1939 to the USA

Silverman family

Complete profile

Here lived:

1) Israel Silbermann, murdered 09/06/1943 / Theresienstadt concentration camp

2) Johanna Silbermann, murdered 09/14.1942 / concentration camp Theresienstadt

3) Siegfried Silbermann, murdered unknown / concentration camp Theresienstadt

4) Julius Silbermann, murdered 28.11.1938 / concentration camp Buchenwald

Carl Meyer family

Complete profile

Here lived:

1) Carl Meyer, 1936 escape to Argentina

2) Clara Meyer, 1937 escape to Argentina

3) Ingeborg Meyer, born 1923,1937  escape to Argentina

4) Helga Meyer, born 1924, 1937 escape to Argentina

Dr. Julius Baum

Complete profile

Dr. Julius Baum was born in Wiesbaden on April 9, 1882.His parents were Hermann Baum senior,partner of the company Nassauische Leinenindustrie Joseph Maier Baum and the pianist Julia Anna Baum, née Bloch.After attending the  humanistic „Königliches Gymnasium zu Wiesbaden“ he studied art history, history and regional studies in Berlin,München and Tübingen.1905 He received his doctorate from the University of Tingen - the title of his dissertation was "Die Kirchen des Baumeisters Heinrich Schickhardt" (The Churches of the Master Builder Heinrich Schickhardt).