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The Kohls family

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At Bergstrasse 10 lived the Jewish couple Adolf (born 23. 10.1896) and Elsa Kohls (née Cahn, 19.11.1894) lived with their daughters Edith (b. 20.04.1920) and Lieselotte (b. 18.01.1922), as well as Elsa's mother, Rosa Cahn (b. 1862).

Feingersch family

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Isaak and Rebekka Feingersch (born 1885 and 1887) emigrated from Odessa to Frankfurt am Main with their daughter Marie in 1912. Their son David was born there. At the outbreak of the First World War in 1914, the Jewish family was arrested because they were Russian citizens. In order to escape the difficult living conditions in the Holzminden camp, Isaak volunteered to work in the potash plant in Ovelgönne near Celle. The family was allowed to join him and grew to a total of seven sons and three daughters.

Oskar and Nanny Salomon - Westcellertorstraße 1

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Oskar Salomon was born on September 20, 1878 in Uelzen. He was married to Nanny (born May 1, 1881), née Schloß, from Gleicherwiesen in Thüringen. They had three children: Gerhard (born on December 10, 1907) and the twins Hans and Grete (born on May 14, 1909). The family lived at Westcellertorstrasse 1. In 1907, Oskar Salomon had taken over a shop for outerwear and shoes from his father, but eventually specialized in shoes. From 1929, the business was located at Poststrasse 7.

Else Dessau - Fritzenwiese 46 A

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Else Dessau, née Wolff, was born in Celle on January 21, 1898. Her parents were Anna, née Cussel and Max Wolff, the father of the Jewish community. Else had three sisters and four brothers. The family moved to Hamburg in 1915. Else became a tailor and in 1929 she married the tailor John Dessau. The couple lived in Hamburg and their son Heinz was born on April 13, 1930. Shortly after the birth, John Dessau left his family. Else lost her job in 1933 because she was a Jew.

Rheinhold family - Im Kreise 9

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Bertha Rheinhold (born October 14, 1865 in Celle), née Levy, was the sister-in-law of Elise Rheinhold (Stolperstein at Bahnhofstraße 7). Her father was an important banker in Celle. She had been married to the Celle merchant Sartorius Rheinhold since 1887. The couple had three sons: Fritz, Klaus and Heinz. They moved to Hanover in 1895. However, Sartorius and his brother Otto continued to work in Celle, where their business premises were located at Im Kreise 9.

Herzfeld family

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In May 1921, the lawyer Dr. Manfred Herzfeld (born 1887) joined the law firm of Dr. Julius von der Wall at Mühlenstraße 25. The law firm was one of the largest in the Higher Regional Court district of Celle and for a long time the only one run by Jewish lawyers in Celle. Herzfeld, his wife Hedwig (born 1891) and their daughter Eva (born 1919) lived on today's Bahnhofsplatz until they moved into their own newly built house at Schwicheldtstraße 19 A at the end of 1930.Herzfeld was not a member of the Jewish community in Celle and had little contact with it.

Mendel and Berta Schul - Fritzenwiese 48 F

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Mendel Schul was born on July 15, 1888 in the Lower Silesian town of Glogau (Polish: Glogów). The town belonged to the German Empire at the time, but Schul was probably of Polish descent. He was married to Berta Felder, who was born on July 14, 1900 in the Austrian-Hungarian town of Sanok. Both were of Jewish faith. They had two children: Adolf Pinkus (born 1924) and Regine (born 1926). Raw materials trader Mendel Schul ran a trade in textiles, shoes and used materials at Wallstra<e 54 (today Nordwall).

Dina Strauss

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Dina Strauß was born on February 3, 1900 in Binswangen as the daughter of Salomon Strauß and Betty Strauß, née Binswanger.her father Salomon Strauß traded in country products,lived in Binswangen in today's Hauptstraße 30,then still house number 171 and had a warehouse in 1913 Dina Strauss moved with her family to Augsburg to the purchased house at Schrannenstraße 6, from where Salomon Strauß ran the grain wholesale business J.J. Strauß.