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Law firm - Dr. Moses Hommel

Complete profile

Dr. Moses Hommel, born in Schweinfurt in 1869, had already been a member of the Jewish community since 1889, was a member of the Jewish Community Council in 1901 and chairman of the Jewish Community of Schweinfurt from 1914 to 1934. He was the co-founder and deputy president of the Association of Bavarian Jewish Communities in Munich and in the last years before his emigration he was involved in the Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden. Dr. Moses Hommel had been working as a lawyer since 1918 with the rank of a judicial councilor. His office was located in Luitpoldstraße.

Law office - Isaak Herzfelder

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Isaak Herzfelder was born on May 31, 1836 in Obernbreit. He was married to Luise Herzfelder née Löwenbach (born March 21, 1849 in Munich). The couple had two daughters: Marie verh. Gump (b. 1871) and Ida verh. Moos (b. 1886). Isaak Herzfelder died on November 11, 1904 in Augsburg. His wife Luise succeeded him on January 14, 1905 in Augsburg. Both were buried in the Jewish cemetery (Haunstetter Strasse) in Augsburg.

Insurance office - Max Pincus

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Max Pincus and and his wife Rosa, née Eichenberg  moved from St. Johann an der Saar to Saarbrücken about the end of 1917. At that time, son Ludwig Pincus lost his life as a soldier in France during World War 1. Max Pincus also ran his insurance office in the Heilbronn apartment at Friedensstraße 31. Later, son Walter Pincus joined him. Walter Pincus and his wife Edith, née Oppenheimer emigrated to East Africa in 1939. Daughter Margarethe Pincus was in London in 1942.

Privatbank Hirschmann & Kitzinger - Karl Hirschmann

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In 1873, Friedrich Hirschmann and Samuel Lev Kitzinger founded the private bank Hirschmann & Kitzinger in Fürth, later also in Nuremberg. In 1918, the bank was taken over by Commerzbank. The former owners and sons of the company founders Carl Hirschmann and and Dr. Gebriel Kitzinger remained managers of the branches in Fürth and Nuremberg until 1936. Carl Hirschmann and his family emigrated to the USA in 1936 under increasing pressure and the National Socialist policy of exclusion.

Practice Dr. Oskar Hirschberg

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Dr. Oskar Hirschberg was born on 6/9/1866 in Schwetz an der Warthe. He obtained his license to practice medicine after studying in Kiel and Berlin in 1890. On Jan. 26, 1915, he was awarded the title of Sanitätsrat. From 1922 to 1926 he worked at Sybelstraße 51 in Berlin. From 1927 he lived and worked in Leibnizstraße. He had been married to a non-Jewish woman in his second marriage since 1923, so he was able to remain in Berlin until 1945, but died of cardiac insufficiency as a result of malnutrition. From 1938 his license as a substitute health insurance and welfare practice expired.

City villa Bernhardstraße 34, residential and commercial building of the cattle dealer family Louis Fleischmann, demolished

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In the two-story city villa lived the Händler families and also rented out other apartments. Their horse stables were located behind and next to the house.