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Term ID

Wickrath synagogue

Complete profile

Around 1860, the synagogue was built on Berger Dorfstra;e in Wickrath. The Jewish community there was at that time the largest in the Grevenbroich district. With 240 members, the community reached its peak in 1885 and then declined in importance.

The costs for the construction of the synagogue were largely borne by the textile entrepreneur Abraham Gormanns.

Apart from minor renovation work in 1935, the synagogue remained unchanged until 1938. In the night of 9.11.1938 the house of worship was set on fire and destroyed.

Synagogue Krefeld Klever Street

Complete profile

As early as the mid-1840s, the Jewish community submitted the first applications for the rebuilding of the old synagogue. At that time, the synagogue was threatened with collapse. At the same time, a Jewish school building was to be erected. The applications were initially rejected by the mayor for lack of funds. It was not until 1869 that a school hall for the Jewish private school was completed. The construction of the new synagogue, however, was stalled. The new building could not be consecrated until 1883. The synagogue was apparently not used by the Jüdische community for much longer.