Mosler, Helene

Complete profile
Helene Mosler was born on November 7, 1884, the second and last daughter of the Jewish cloth merchant Eduard Mosler in Hirschberg im Riesengebirge, Am Markt 38 or Warmbrunnerstraße 20, and his wife Cäcilie. Her older sister Else Elisabeth, born on June 24, 1875, married her cousin, the physician Dr. Siegfried Freund, in 1894 and moved with him to Berlin. Helene Mosler became a nurse and after World War I moved with her parents to Sponholzstrasse 53-54 in Berlin-Friedenau, where she remained even after her parents died.

Moser, Kurt

Complete profile
Kurt Moser was born on August 1, 1891 in Kolberg/Pomerania as the son of the grain merchant Albert Moses and his wife Julie née Lubszynski under the family name "Moses". He had 5 brothers: Arthur, Georg, Ernst, Fritz and Günther. Kurt Moses studied medicine in Berlin and Greifswald. In World War I he served as a staff physician on the Western Front, and because of multiple war injuries he received the Iron Cross II Class. After the end of the war, he specialized in gynecology and disease control. In 1922 he and his brothers changed the family name to "Moser".

Moser, Gunther

Complete profile
Günther Moser was born on June 13, 1899 in Kolberg/Pomerania as the son of the grain merchant Albert Moses and his wife Julie née Lubszynski under the family name "Moses". He had 5 brothers: Arthur, Georg, Ernst, Fritz and Kurt. Like his brothers, he attended the Kolberg Cathedral and Realgymnasium and did not receive a Jewish education because his father was estranged from the rabbi. He served in World War I from 1917 to 1918 on the Western Front and suffered an injury to the cornea, which later also led to almost total blindness due to inadequate treatment.