Felix Plage residence

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Felix Plage (born November 1, 1866 in Breslau; June 28, 1939 in Freiburg im Breisgau) was originally a secondary school teacher before devoting himself to librarianship from 1906. From 1917, he was also head of the "Book Advisory Office for the Government District of Frankfurt," which provided guidance to the smaller libraries in the communities. Felix Plage developed Frankfurt's library system beginning with the "Städtische Buch- und Lesehalle" (Municipal Book and Reading Hall), which opened on April 1, 1906. In addition, he worked intensively on researching Frankfurt's history.

Residence for Adolph Angerthal

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Adolph Angerthal (born January 18, 1861 in Booßen; died March 21, 1943 in the Theresienstadt ghetto) was widowed and had a son Herbert, who was able to emigrate to Palestine in time. Since September 1942 Adolph Angerthal lived in Kurfürstenstraße in Berlin. He was deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto on November 4, 1942. Here he died at the age of 82.

Residence Karl Sobkowski

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Karl Sobkowski (b. 1892; d. February 23, 1937) worked as a pickler and polisher in the Frankfurt furniture factory Mantz & Gerstenberger. He lived at Bergstrasse 185. Karl Sobkowski was an organizer and the first leader of the Red Front Fighters' League in Frankfurt. In 1926, he was elected as a deputy to the city parliament at the suggestion of the KPD. Due to an accident at work Sobkowski became an invalid. In the first wave of arrests by the Nazis after they seized power, he was imprisoned and was to be tried for high treason.

Residence of the families Berlowitz, Rau

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Eugen Ernst Berlowitz (born November 20, 1924; died August 10, 1990 in Norrtälje) lived with his parents, Margarete Berlowitz, née Rau and Max Berlowitz, and his brother Julius at Bergstraße 17. Eugen Berlowitz was able to emigrate to Sweden as a youth, Julius Berlowitz (born 1927; died 1942/1943) to Palestine in 1939. Margareta Berlowitz, née Rau (b. 19 December 1900 in Posen; d. 1942/1943) was the daughter of Eugen and Frieda Rau née Lemchen. Frieda Rau née Lemchen (b. 1870 in Zernickow; d. 1942 or 1943) was the daughter of Julius Lemchen. With her husband Eugen Rau she had two children.

Dina and Martin Eisenhardt's residence

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Dina Eisenhardt, née Baumblatt (born March 11, 1879; died 1942) was originally from Schweinfurt. She married the merchant Martin Eisenhardt. They were last registered at Rosenstraße 36. This was the location of the Jewish Hospital, which served as a Jewish house. Her husband, the merchant Martin Wilhelm Eisenhardt (born September 15, 1877 in Berlin; date of death unknown) had lived in Frankfurt (Oder) since 1919. In 1919 they lived at Richtstraße 51 and in 1925 at Grenadierstraße 2 (today Goethestraße). Most recently, the couple was registered at Rosenstraße 36.