Fabisch, Max
Complete profile
Max Fabisch was born on March 30, 1870 in Strelno (today:Strzelno/Poland) as the son of the textile merchant Philipp Fabisch and his wife Therese née Pick.
Fabian, Jenny
Complete profile
Jenny Cheim alias Katz was born in Berlin on July 22, 1872, the daughter of Moses Moritz Cheim alias Katz and his wife Reize Rieke née Bab.
Fabian, Hanni
Complete profile
Hanni Fabian was born in Berlin on May 20, 1901, the second oldest daughter of the merchant Gerson Fabian and his wife Jenny née Cheim alias Katz.
Loewe, Alfons
Complete profile
* December 30, 1868 in Rogasen; † December 28, 1938 (suicide); judicial councilor, from 1895 to October 1937 established as a lawyer, later also as a notary in Spandau, then until 1938 in Charlottenburg; 1933 withdrawal of the notary's office by the National Socialists, October 1938 withdrawal of admission as a lawyer by the Reich Minister of Justice
Fabian, George
Complete profile
Georg Fabian was born in Neustettin on June 21, 1887, the son of his Jewish father Julius Fabian and his wife.
Fabian, Erna
Complete profile
Erna Sittner was born on March 30, 1893 in Treuen / Auerbach / Saxony.